
地址: 河北省保定市清苑(yuàn)區長城南大街3663號


傳真: 086-0312-8495699

郵箱: yd@abcvx.com 




使用前須查機件完(wán)好無損.傳動部分及起重鏈條潤滑良好。 空轉情況正常(cháng),製動可靠。使用時必須嚴守下麵10條安全事項。
Before lifting, inspect carefully the hooks,the load chain.the brake device and iubrication of the block,put it into operation.
For safe operation you must keep rules as following.

維 護(hù) Maintenance
Chean off the dirt on the chain hoist.lubricate its parts with grease
Atrer use and store it in a dry place.
2、 維護和檢修應由較熟練葫蘆機械者進行,防止不懂(dǒng)本(běn)機性能原(yuán)理隨意拆裝。
Maintenance and inspection should bo maae by ask- illed
 3、 齒(chǐ)輪(lún)的安裝如右剖視圖所(suǒ)示位量,應(yīng)使用兩隻片齒輪的 “0”字標記安裝在同一直線上。
Align the "oMmarks of the two gears while assembling as shown in SectionView RiGHT.

4、 安裝製動裝置部分時,注意棘輪齒槽與棘爪爪部齧合良好,彈簧和棘爪應(yīng)錄活可靠.順時針旋轉手鏈輪,應將棘(jí)輪、摩擦片壓(yā)緊在製動器座上,逆時針旋轉手鏈輪,棘輪與磨擦片間應留有空隙。
While assembling the brake mechanism.care should be taken to mesh the slanting teeth of the ratchet disc and the pawl. Make sure that the spring and pawl work sensitively and reliably. Tnen turn the hand wheel clockwise.it must prees the disc and the plates on the brake seat .Tumiyng it counter-clockwise.there should be clearances between the disc and the plates.

5、 葫蘆經過清洗檢修應進行空載和載重試驗.確認工作正常.製動可靠時,才能交付使用。
After cleaning and repairing the hoist should be subjec-ted to no-load sest and heavy load test. A chain'hoist can be put into operation a rter it has been tested and found under reliable brake and in good condition.

 6、 在加油和使用過程中製動器的摩擦表(biǎo)麵必須保持幹淨(jìng), 製動器(qì)部分(fèn)應當經常檢查.防止製動失靈,發生重物自墜現象。
Keep Icean the friction sursaces of the brade.Brake mech-anism shoula be inspected regularly for prevention of faulty braking and falling of the load.
7、 起重鏈輪左右(yòu)軸(zhóu)承的滾柱,可用(yòng)黃油粘附在(zài)已壓裝於起 重鏈輪軸頸(jǐng)的軸承內圈上,再入牆板軸承外圈內。
Stick the rollers of both left and right bearings to the ynner race of the bearing on the chain sprocket shaft journal,and then put them into the outter race of the bearings on the side plates.
8、 支撐杆與右(yòu)牆板為靜配合,維修時切勿拆卸。
The stay and the right side are in transition fit.Care should be taken not to dismantle them.
9、 為了維護和拆卸方便,手鏈條其中一節係開口鏈 (不(bú)焊(hàn),塗色)。
For conveniense of maintenance and dismantling,one of the links of the hand chain is open,painted in color and . not welded.

HSZ型係列手拉(lā)葫蘆性能參數(shù)表 HSZ SERIES CHAIN BLOCKS



型號(hào) Model hsz-V2 HSZ-1 HSZ-1,l2 HSZ-2 HSZ-3 HSZ- 5 HSZ-10 HS2-20
起重裏(lǐ) Capacity 噸t 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 5 10 20
標準起第高度 Standard lifting height m 米 2.5 2.57 B 2. 5 3 3 3 3
試驗軟荷 Test load 噸t 0.63 1.25 2 2.5 4 6.3 12. 5 25
兩鉤間小距離 _ Hmin heardroom(hook to book)Hnin 270 270 368 444 486 616 700 1000
滿載時手鏈拉力 Chainpull to lift full load牛賴N 225 309 343 314 343 383 392 392
起重鏈行數(shù) No.of load chain fall lines 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 8
起重鏈條圓鋼直徑 Diameter of load chain毫米mm 6 6 8 6 8 10 10 10
主要尺寸Diaroensions 毫米mm A 120 142 178 142 178 210 358 580
B 108 122 139 122 139 182 162 189
C 24 28 34 34 38 48 64 82
D 120 142 178 142 178 210 210 210
淨重 Net weight 公斤Kk 9.5 10 16 14 24 36 68 155
裝箱毛重 Gross Weight 公斤KK 12 13 20 17 28 45 83 193
裝(zhuāng)箱尺寸(長X寬X高〉 麵(miàn)#、 Packing measurement (L*W*H) 28X21X17 30X24X18 34X29X20 33X25X19 38X30X20 45X35X24 62X50X28 70X46X75
起重高度每增加1米應增加的重f /Vff . Extra weight meter of extra lift 1.7 1.7 2.3 2. 5 3.7 5.3 9 7 19.4


                                                         注:除表列(liè)外(wài).在丨2 米以內(nèi)各起® 高度.均可定貨.R«n«rki:lnaddtiiMi to th« standard lift «t sccept in^ilnt orders to 12n lift.





1.起重鏈 11.摩擦片 21.左牆板 31.外(wài)牆板
2.右牆板 12.滾柱 22.吊鏈板 32.滾柱
3.支撐杆(gǎn)甲 13、軸承外圈 23.吊銷 33.罩殼(ké)
4.起重鏈輪 14.棘輪 24.擋板 34.遊輪軸
5.5齒長軸 15.手鏈輪 25.彈性擋圈 35.滾針
6.花鍵孔齒輪 16.棘爪彈簧(huáng) 26.插(chā)銷 36.遊輪
7.4齒短軸 17.棘爪 27.導輪 37.吊鉤梁
8.片齒(chǐ)輪 18.手鏈(liàn)輪罩殼 28.鋼套(tào) 38.吊鉤
9.手(shǒu)鏈輪 19.彈(dàn)性擋圈 29.支撐杆乙 39.卡索板
10.製動器座 20.棘爪銷 30.下(xià)鉤架 40.雙彈簧
